Thursday, September 26, 2013

Femtosecond Laser in Cataract Surgery

Carolina Ophthalmology is proud to offer the most advanced technology available for cataract surgery: the Femtosecond laser. Dr. Bryan recommends this cutting-edge bladeless approach to all patients who are good candidates for it. 
Using the laser for some of the most difficult steps of cataract surgery allows for more precision, accuracy, and customization for each patient. Each step is more reproducible and predictable, providing better results both during the surgery and in recovery.

During the surgery, the laser makes it easier to achieve optimal lens positioning. It also provides real-time imaging so Dr. Bryan can see detailed and specific maps of the patient's eye while performing surgery. The laser also offers more specific customization to each individual eye through an integrated OCT.  This customization extends to lens fragmentation as well as size, shape, depth, and location of each incision.

Laser cataract surgery offers the most advanced astigmatism correction available which could lessen dependency on glasses after surgery. 

If you are thinking about having cataract surgery, call us today for more information. Find out how cataract surgery, and cataract surgery with the Femtosecond laser, can improve both your vision and your life. Call us at 919.967.4836 to schedule an evaluation. 

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