Monday, August 29, 2011

Special LASIK Offer!

Carolina Ophthalmology Associates is now offering the revolutionary iLASIK™ surgical procedure at a special introductory price of $1500 an eye!   This introduction means you need to take a second look at laser vision correction surgery, here's why:
·         iLASIK™ is the most advanced option
·         100% customized, all-laser procedure
·         Maximized vision quality and decreased risk of night time glare and halos
·         Unique to your eyes only
·         Endorsed by NASA and US military
The iLASIK™ procedure joins the safety and precision of IntraLase (the bladeless technique for creating a flap) with the customization and superior results of Custom LASIK. This combination has proven to be immensely successful in helping patients achieve 20/20 vision or better. 
Call Pam now for details and to find out if you can benefit from this exciting procedure at

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3-D Movie Anyone?

As you’re sitting in the cool movie theater at the end of summer watching The Smurfs in 3-D and  everyone is oohing and ahhing over the visual effects except for one – and it’s your child.
In a packed theater, there is always one in the crowd who says, 'What are you talking about? I didn't see anything flying out at me.' Or worse, they may mention that the movie actually made them dizzy or a little nauseated.
Dr. Scroggs points out, “Approximately five million Americans have vision problems that keep them from enjoying such 3-D movies as Captain America and the latest Harry Potter movie.”  The problem has to do with binocular vision, which is the ability to align both eyes on a target and combine the visual images from the two eyes into a single, three-dimensional perception.  "3-D is really our ability to judge distances," he said. "Adults use it a lot for driving, such as us to judge how far away the car in front of us is and children use it to judge how fast the ball is coming towards them during sports."
However, people with binocular vision problems will not be able to perceive the illusion of 3-D.  An recent poll found that these individuals will experience headaches, dizziness and blurred vision from 3-D movies instead of enjoying the action packed flick.
Several different vision disorders could be the cause of the problem, including:
  • Amblyopia, or lazy eye, which occurs when one eye does not see as well as the other. Because of the difference between the two eyes, the ability to see 3-D is greatly reduced or absent.
  • Strabismus, or crossed eyes, in which the eyes do not line up in the same direction when focusing. Ultimately, a person with strabismus begins to suffer from double vision or loses the ability to see in 3-D.
  • Convergence insufficiency, in which the eyes are incapable of turning toward each other to fix on the same distance.
The good news is that the popularity in 3-D movies is giving some people their first clue of a vision problem they may have.   These conditions can be treated by an ophthalmologist at Carolina Ophthalmology Associates, so call to schedule an appointment if you or a loved one has not had a recent exam or are experiencing any of the above problems.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best of Chapel Hill

Carolina Ophthalmology Associates has been selected by the readers of Chapel Hill Magazine in the category for “The Best Optometrist/ Ophthalmologist” in Chapel Hill.

The "Best Of Chapel Hill" poll is the only one of its kind dedicated solely to our community and those who are contributing to its continued success.

We'll be featured in the July/August issue of Chapel Hill Magazine, so be on the lookout.
Cheers to all who voted for us!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hormones Can Result in Dry Eye Syndrome

One of the most notable vision problems that affect women in larger numbers is dry eyes, or keratoconjuctivitis sicca. More than 60 percent of women suffer from dry eyes at a ratio of nine to one over men. Eyes become dry because the glands in the inner eyelids don’t produce enough oil, tears evaporate too quickly, or both. Dry eye syndrome has several causes. It occurs as a part of the natural aging process but also can develop as a side effect of medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, certain blood pressure medicines, Parkinson's medications and birth control pills; from contact lens wear or dry air conditions.

For women, it is usually a result of hormones -- such as when women go through menopause, pregnancy or take birth control pills. The solution sometimes lies with the gynaecologist and not the eye doctor because if it happens during menopause, there is very little an eye doctor can do to control the hormones that cause the dry eye symptoms.

Like women going through menopause, pregnant women also suffer from dry eye, most likely because of the high level of estrogen. This typically occurs during the last trimester. That is when there is a lot of dryness and because of chemistry and slight changes in astigmatism, vision can slightly change, but tends to go back to the way it was before pregnancy.

Along with lubricating eye drops, our doctors may recommend over the counter supplements such as TheraTears Nutrition that help lubricate with flaxseed and fish oils. In more severe cases, we may use prescribed products such as Restasis or insert punctal plugs.   If you suspect you may have a dry eye condition, call Carolina Ophthalmology Associates to schedule an appointment today.