Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eye Allergies

“I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers/Of April, May, of June, and July flowers”.

Although it may be beautiful outdoors, the signs and symptoms of pollen allergy are not. They can include: sneezing, runny or clogged nose, itchy throat, teary, itchy eyes, red-rimmed eyes, allergic shiners (dark circles under the eyes caused by restricted blood flow near the sinuses) and the "allergic salute" (persistent upward rubbing of the nose that causes a crease mark across it).

Most allergens guilty for eye symptoms are airborne. There is no way to totally avoid the pollen, mold, dust, and animal dander that trigger our unpleasant symptoms. If not treated, an eye allergy can cause inflammation and irritation of eye tissue, leading to the condition allergic conjunctivitis.

As there is no cure for eye allergy here’s what you could do to keep the culprits out of your house and minimize the damage:

  • AVOID RUBBING YOUR EYES! Cool compresses can help soothe
  • Remove contact lenses as soon as symptoms appear.
  • Stay indoors when the pollen counts are at its peak, or if it is windy outside.
  • Keep windows shut and the air conditioner on
  • Use artificial tears and/or make an eye appointment to get prescribed a liquid antihistamine to put in your eyes
  • Wear glasses or sunglasses outdoors
  • Minimize clutter, book collections, and anything that collects dust and pollens
  • Keep pets outside or bathe them often and don't let them sleep in your bed
  • Wash your hair every day to rinse off dust and pollen, and if you've been in the yard, leave shoes at the door and wash your clothes in hot water as soon as possible

For Severe Cases, in addition to above:

  • Allergy-proof your home; put dust-mite-proof covers on bedding and pillows; clean surfaces with a damp mop, rag, or shampooer rather than dry sweeping or dusting.
  • Purchase an air filter to clean out pollens, molds and dust
  • Use a dehumidifier in damp areas like the basement
  • Install wood, tile or vinyl floors rather than carpet because they can be mopped regularly. If you do have carpets, have someone else do the vacuuming
  • Make an eye appointment before you experience problems. Oral antihistamines rarely help with ocular symptoms.

You won't be able to eliminate every allergen from your home, but with these steps you can make it a comfortable place even during the peak of allergy season.